Disclaimer or rules.. whatever

This vague 13year old who doesn't want to be indentified
She is (somewhat) anti-social, and can (proudly) swear like a sailor
Has been growing since 1994, & is about 1.6m in height now.
You can e-mail & msn her at please don't bother to do it@meaningless.com
She's 100% Singaporean and hokkien

❥colourful swear words

hates O
✖ppl expecting her to do sth she doesn't fucking want to

-To live every day happily (who doesn't?)
-To finally have a day dedicated to just sleep,and sleep solely
-To die laughing (not that I want to die)
-Have good health

Tag N

Designer- Maddie/TheAuthor
Pictures- 1 2
Brushes- DeviantART
Image programme- Gimp!
Image uploader- Photobucket


Sunday, November 25, 2007
Heyys. I created this blog under anonymous cause I simply don't want you to find out who I am. My acquaintance is right--why are blogs called diaries,if everybody in the entire world has access to it? Then what are blogs for,if you can't spill out your entire being because you are afraid,afraid that the person will be reading this blog and screw you in reality tomorrow? Then the idea of blogs becomes kinda stupid. Which beigins to illustrate the purpose of this blog. Express the true me,the one that is hidden inside,in a room where the key has been thrown away years ago,in a world where deception is the only means of survival. That said,I will never,ever have the courage to do it. Why? I don't know either.

I Wrote @ 5:57 AM